Tag Archives: Rory Gilmore

Reading Challenges

3 Nov

I’m currently looking for some more reading challenges ir reading lists on the internet, i think its because i like lists 😛

I’m already taking part in the Rory Gilmore challenge which is the list of books that Rory Gilmore has read in the show Gilmore Girls.

I’m also reading all the books on the 100 books likst by the BBC. These books are meant to be the best books but not many people have apparently read.

I also looked into the 1001 childrens books to read before you grow up and 1001 books to read before you die, but i think the last challenge is a bit morbid :/

think im going to research more reading challenges today.

The Rory Gilmore Challenge

7 Oct

Basically the Rory Gilmore Challenge is to read all the books mentioned by Rory Gilmore in the show Gilmore Girls. its a huge list over 200 books and i plan on reading them all, (eventually). i came across this challenge on  BCF (the Book Club Forum) and have since been going through the list and checking which ones i have read. The are as follows ;

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

The Da Vinci -Code by Dan Brown

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

as i’ve only read 8 of the books i’ve still got loads to go. I’m looking at this as a long term challenge, reading these books alongside my other books that i want to read.

Hellllooooo :D

3 Oct

Hello and welcome to my blog :D. I am so excited about having a blog, have finally got around to setting one up. Well the main thing to know about me is that i love love love to read books and write about them. i have almost 100 books on my shelf in my room to get through, yet for some reason I can’t stop buying more books! I have recently started the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge (which i’ll explain about later) so i’ll have lots more books to get through.

I’ll also be writing about authors that i like and more of their work that i would like to read. Once i have read one good book by an author i have a habit of buying every book by that particular author.

also i’ll be writing about anything interesting happening in my life

bye byes for now 😀